
Wednesday, April 19, 2006

No Release

There I sat
Alone at the tree.
I watched the walls creep up around me
Brick walls, they came thick and fast and red
Birds screech and monkeys bare their fangs
The sky radiates violet hues
The mad moon cackles down at me
I watched and laughed
For the first time I was happy
Free at last
A touch a grasp
Pick me up old friend
I was dragged away from danger
I could not see
I fall I fall
My face hits water
Time stops
Time stops
I am exploding.
I am free.
I am no one.
I am the only one.
I am the eye in the sky.
I am the only one.
I am receeding.
I am fading.
Grasping desperately to prolong the reprieve.
I'm out I'm down
I cry alone again.
Free me, I implore you.


Anonymous said...

you're never gonna be free..
you're always gonna just be there.. a step away.. too scared, too worried to cross over the line.

rorschach said...

of human bondages or bonds?? u asked remember...sometimes i dnt know the difference...sometiems i dnt need to. and tommorow is always the same as today...buggerfux dude....buggerfux!!!