
Friday, September 22, 2006

Sortie For The Night

Life blood drips
Down veins of crap.
My Poetry is crap.
Life is crap.
You know what else is crap?
Everything is crap.
Crap crap crap crap.
Empires of dirt
Castles of Sand
Take everything
Take your hand.
And reach into a beating chest
Rip the life out
Do your best.
Fuck off, worldI have work to do.
You think I give a fuck about you?
Well I dont.
And when I fall
Asleep I wont
Wake up if I see this same light.
I'm out of here thanks
Good luck and good night.


rorschach said...

guru if we dont take a 'crap', the shit just builds up within us doesn't it. so thank the force for the crap.

rorschach said...

fuck bugger. i just know it. u dint flush now....did you?