
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Black Eyed Appeal

You are standing at the edge of my head,

A familiar breeze blows through the door, laced with your scent. I grow heady with the smell.
You are watching me with your coffee eyes glinting, stripping me down my most fundamental inadequacy. I turn to face you and see an empy doorway, the merest hint of your laugh lingers, the faintest jingle of beads and I watch in the sadness of comprehension. Just when I think you will not come back, I see you smiling at me, from the corner of my mind, daring me to will you away, erase the night of your hair. I can't.

I am nothing in front of you. Nothing. Worthless.


rorschach said...

however you still look beautiful to 2 eyed people too.

and please brush your teeth.

rorschach said...

like i said. feeling uncannily affectionate towards you today. inexplicable!

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Thank you!
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